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Wastewater Solutions

If you stop for a moment and think about wastewater treatment what comes to mind? Chances are you are you think first of a putrid smell. Perhaps an endless labyrinth of pumps and pipes surrounded by rust. Maybe algae clinging on to walls or walkways. No matter what...

EXTREN FAQs and Resins

Redwood’s fiberglass reinforced plastic (FRP) lineup gets a lot of attention for the quality and versatility of our products. However, certain bits of misinformation and common questions are asked over and over. We’ve decided to write a short explanation...

Redco Introduces New FRP Product Lines

Recently Redwood Plastics Corporation and Strongwell, the world’s largest producer of pultruded materials, signed a distributorship agreement. This has greatly expanded Redwood’s Fiberglass Reinforced Plastic (FRP) product lineup. The pultrusion process...