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Plastic Failure

Plastics are a great solution to problems of wear, noise and abrasion in many industries and outperform traditional materials in countless applications. However, at times, plastics will fail due to several possible reasons. The good news is by understanding where...

Strongwell Coldweather Applications

The conditions in Alaska require a product that can stand up to the test of the harsh elements. With Temperatures as low as -80° and winds reaching up to 120 MPH, any material used needs to excel in these conditions. Time and time again, Strongwell products stand up...

Medical Solutions

We often discuss the uses of engineered plastics in industries such as construction, mining and sawmills. However, plastics are important in a number of industries that might not come quickly to mind – the medical sector is one. Some of the more popular plastics...

Polyether vs. Polyester

Polyurethane is a versatile material available from eraser soft to bowling ball hard and suits a variety of applications from dipper door blocks to deadplate to lubricated bearings. Critical to the properties of the urethane is whether it is polyether or polyester...

Armored Plastics

Plastics offer many advantages over metals and wood in a variety of applications. Many plastics are both chemical and corrosion resistant and absorb little moisture leading to a longer lifespan, lower maintenance downtime and reduced costs. By the nature of their...