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5 Tips To Ensure The Success Of Your New Plastic Application

When selecting a plastic for an application its very important that you do not get “tunnel vision” with your selection. For example, focusing on the properties of UHMW in cold temperatures (which are excellent) while ignoring the fact that your application...

PET – The “Forgotten” Plastic

In the world of mechanical/industrial grade plastics PET-P commonly known simply as “PET” is the underappreciated soldier. PET performs every day in harsh environments: farming machinery, food processing, and medical industries in particular. It’s...

Anti-Slip Multipurpose Plastics

Slipping is a major hazard. According to the National Safety Council injuries from falls account for 20% of workplace injuries. In many cases, if you’re an employer, you could be liable for damages that can reach into the tens of thousands of dollars. Redwood...

Outlasting Traditional Piping by up to 6X

Redco™ Vypur™ Polyurethane Pipe Sections For Slurry & Abrasive ApplicationsLess Maintenance, Exceptional Life Redco™ VYPUR™ Polyurethane Pipe Sections, Elbows, Flanges and Fittings are used to replace steel, HDPE and rubber-lined pipe in aggressive abrasion and...

Recent Developments With Plastic Technology

We’ve written a lot about various plastics and applications but there is also exciting news on the horizon with new plastics and plastic technologies being developed. We try to share these on our social media whenever possible but we understand not everyone...