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Tuffkast vs. Nylon

Redco™ Tuffkast and Nylon have similar applications in the world of plastics such as bushings, bearings, sheaves, pulleys and even outrigger pads. Some customers get confused between the differences in the material and still others are wary of Tuffkast because, as a...

Plastic & Pucks

Many hockey fans in North America are currently enjoying the second round of the NHL playoffs. Hockey is a great example of a set of plastic applications we might not realize. There would be no modern ice hockey without plastics because there would be no equipment or...

Switching For Safety

North America is finally beginning to thaw after our brutal winter.  In areas in the Midwest, Central Canada and the East Coast – crane rental companies, concrete pumpers and even tree service crews are getting ready to take advantage of the upcoming 2014 work...

Strongwell Coldweather Applications

The conditions in Alaska require a product that can stand up to the test of the harsh elements. With Temperatures as low as -80° and winds reaching up to 120 MPH, any material used needs to excel in these conditions. Time and time again, Strongwell products stand up...

Tuff Stuff

In the breadth of Redco™ products, certain plastics stand out for different reasons. When it comes to “strength” and “resiliance” Redco™ Tuffkast certainly has a niche. Tuffkast is a co-polymer and improves on many of the inherent qualities in...