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12 Commonly Used Materials for Rubber Extruded Products

What are Rubber Extruded Products? Rubber extruded products are highly popular due to their balance between high build quality and relative ease of production.  Rubber extruded products are durable, long-lasting, flexible, and highly resistant to many different...

Improve Roller Durability with Redco™ Urethane

Redwood came into contact with a customer specializing in the custom manufacturing of oil and gas production equipment and storage tanks.  This customer provided Redwood with two idler rollers (22” OD) and two drive rollers to examine and quote for a recoat. These...

Pile Driving Cushions for Construction

Redco IRG (impact-resistant grade) nylon pile driving cushions are one of our core products for the construction industry. Unlike regular grades of nylon which are brittle against impacts, IRG nylon is filled with plasticizers and heat-dissipation additives that...

Redco™ Outrigger Pads FAQ

Redco™ Outrigger Pads are one of our most popular products that we manufacture in-house. From construction, power utilities, tree service firms, and green energy installers, Redco™ Outrigger Pads have a proven track record of success for customers in various...

Redco™ Kiln Wheel Bushings

Redco™ Kiln Wheel Bushings provide an essential benefit to sawmills with large dry kilns by allowing carts to move freely through the mill. Redwood Plastics & Rubber supplies kiln wheel bushings in three grades: Redco™ Blue Kiln Wheel Bushings Standard Redco™ blue...